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2023: More Photos Coming Soon - CADRE
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June 2022: JPL Community Quilters create volunteer-led and volunteer-made Welcome Quilt for new director Dr. Laurie Leshin
February 18th, 2021: After a nearly seven-month journey spanning almost 300 million miles, the NASA rover known as Perseverance will land on Mars Thursday afternoon.
Conversation with Steve Patterson, MSNBC
Clip available at: |
NASA FOX 11 Los Angeles: NASA scientists celebrate Perseverance rover's successful Mars landing
Clip available at: |
Post-landing's Chelsea Gohd is LIVE at NASA JPL with Jackie Sly, a Mars 2020 robotics systems engineer
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National Geographic Documentary Built for Mars : The Perseverance Rover
Older News
Photo collage: Clockwise starting with top-left Jackie at MIT graduation, Jackie with research project autonomous underwater glider (MIT Marine Robotics Team project), two photos of Jackie doing STEM outreach, last photo: Espree Devora host of Women in Tech Podcast + logo.
Women in Tech Podcast Episode Jacqueline Sly of Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Research Facility That Carries Out Robotic Space and Earth Science Missions January 9, 2017 | 18:31, Episode #39 Today we are spotlighting Jacqueline Sly of Jet Propulsion Laboratory. JPL is the leading U.S. center for robotic exploration of the solar system, and has 19 spacecraft and 10 major instruments carrying out planetary, Earth science and space-based astronomy missions. Connect with us at Tweet @womenintechshow and @EspreeDevora |
Photo: Speakers at the Edgerton Center 25th Anniversary Gala - Jacqueline Sly MIT Alum class of 2014, MIT Provost Martin Schmidt, and MIT Prof. J. Kim Vandiver
Celebrating the Edgerton Center, an original MIT makerspace Twenty-five years after its founding, the first home of strobe photography has grown to include student clubs, workshops, and K-12 outreach. April 21, 2017 Among Edgerton's guiding principles: You have to try out your ideas for yourself, and you never get it right the first time around. "This is a very safe space to fail," said Jacqueline Sly '14. "Often, what the outside world is looking for is your reaction to failure and what kind of creativity you have." Sly took her MIT-acquired engineering know-how to NASA and is now an engineer in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Extreme Environment Robotics Group. |
Photo: Jackie Sly '14 in the Formula SAE steel welded frameJackie Sly '14 in the Formula SAE steel welded frame
"Fast, furious, and soon to be electric" The MIT Formula SAE team heats up the road April 23, 2014 Early on Saturday mornings, before the rest of campus stirs awake, Jacqueline Sly ’14 grabs coffee and heads down Massachusetts Ave. to building N51. Winding through familiar walkways, past boxes of scrap metal and old pipes, she arrives at a large, airy room dominated by two nearly finished frames of certified Formula One cars. To Sly and the rest of the MIT Formula SAE team, this is home. |
Photo: Jacqueline Sly pictured in yellow with fellow Marine Robotics Team members and advisor Ed Moriarty holding their underwater glider on the Jack Cotant boat in Ketchikan, Alaska.ckie Sly '14 in the Formula SAE steel welded frame
"Aiming Deep with the Marine Robotics Team" Jacqueline Sly ’14 and Tommy Moriarty ’14 discuss their experiences and lessons learned leading the Marine Robotics Team. December 13, 2012 Sly has been involved in MRT since her freshman year and currently serves as team captain ... [the team] received funding from the Edgerton Center to travel to Ketchikan, Alaska, with Edgerton instructor, team mentor and Tommy Moriarty’s father, Ed Moriarty. . . . While [after graduation] plans are not finalized, Sly knows one thing for certain: her MIT career would not be the same without MRT. As she herself puts it, “being in an Edgerton Club puts you ahead in a project class — you learn how to approach real problems and learn how to think technically.” |
STEM Outreach
"MIT engineers come to Davis County to recruit female students"
Feb 2013 Sly said their goal is to let women know that engineers are not made up of the stereotypical nerds, geeks or men. "I didn't go to school with 5000 Sheldon's" Sly said, referring to the geeky main character in "Big Bang Theory." "It's hard work, but it's enjoyable. We aren't nerdy or geeky, but we are a little weird." Sly encouraged the girls to take as many classes in as many different areas so they can find out what they are passionate about. |